Because the The Well is all about mentoring and encouraging women, we wanted to give you an opportunity to partner with us by purchasing a ticket to Begin for a woman that would not normally be able to attend because of the price. In the past we have invited 50 women enrolled in the Teen Challenge Program to join us, and this is only possible through generous donors like you! We are passionate about breaking down barriers and creating a diverse gathering of women from all walks of life. Will you help us make this possible??
Would you like to know more about Begin?
This is not your ordinary women's conference.
If you are weary from repetitive “you-can-do-it” women’s conference, if you live in a fog of how to apply the Bible to your life and are confused by all the competing teachings and podcasts, then this is exactly where you need to be.
This is cut-to-the-heart, clear-the-haze prayer, worship, and teaching that moves the needle. No hustle, no striving, no vague, flowery prose. We promise you’ll leave with a level of clarity that only Jesus can provide.
No hustle, no striving, no vague, flowery prose. This is cut-to-the-heart, clear-the-haze prayer, worship and teaching that moves the needle. We promise you’ll leave with a level of clarity that only Jesus can provide.
So, what are you going to get by coming to Begin?
We are dedicated to putting on an authentic, life-changing experience. We don’t want you to come and not leave changed. We are expecting God to meet you at Begin and empower you walk out your faith boldly.